About Me

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I am a mother, educator, traveler, and reader with boundless curiosity.

Caldecott & Book Collector Notes

When I first started collecting Caldecott books, I had NO IDEA what I was doing. Also, it was more than 15 years ago, so there was much less information available to help me understand what was worth buying and what wasn't. 

It took me as long, too, to understand that what was "worth" it really depended on my purpose.  Did I want something "collectible" that might be an investment?  Did I just want a readable copy of the book for my kids or classroom?  Was I interested in understanding a particular subject, time period, or illustrator?  

If you are collecting, starting to think about collecting, or just the curious sort, I am compiling sets of links for each Caldecott book to help you decide what's "worth buying" or to spark ideas for different types of collections.

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